Outside an ECA established to limit SOx and particulate matter emissions

Inside an ECA established to limit SOx and particulate matter emissions

4.50% m/m prior to 1 January 2012

1.50% m/m prior to 1 July 2010

3.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2012

1.00% m/m on and after 1 July 2010

0.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2020

0.10% m/m on and after 1 January 2015

IMO Sulphur oxides (SOx) and Particulate Matter (PM) – Regulation 14

Bunkering will be more geographical

Sourcing strategy will depend on Client choices

  • Scrubbers?
  • Staying with Gas oil only is NOT a no-action choice
  • Know the product coming on board (updated CoQ)
  • Temperatures for heating/transfer/separation/injection
  • What “type” of fuel ? Paraffinic or aromatic
  • How many tanks?
  • Separate lube systems?
  • Heating on filters?
  • Heating on distillate system?
  • Segregate as much as possible!
  • Keep your people (after additional training)  in control, or BEING controlled onboard?
  • Wax Vs Stability Vs Compatibility

Bunker fuel costs globally could rise by as much as $60 billion annually from 2020 if there is strict compliance to InternationalMaritime Organization’s 0.5% global sulfur cap, a mass scale shift to marine gasoil and a low uptake in scrubber technology as per globalconsulting firm Wood Mackenzie .

World fuel Services